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News and views from the German-language region of Europe

September 30, 2011

The elect "to the rescue"

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

All people alive today owe their existence in one sense to one righteous man, Noah. (more…)

September 23, 2011

Sleepless nights

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

Sooner or later most people experience a sleepless night or two. (more…)

September 16, 2011

Two summary statements for our life

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

We find two possible summary statements in the Bible for our life as a description of our walk with God. (more…)

September 9, 2011

The game is not over yet

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

The most exciting games in sports are often those when the underdog doesn’t give up but keeps on playing hard and then takes the lead in the final minutes to win the game. (more…)

September 7, 2011

Bavarians on the plane!

Filed under Back in the USA

Today’s Delta flight 14 from Atlanta to Frankfurt was a bit unusual. (more…)

September 4, 2011

A visit from Lee

Filed under Back in the USA

That is Lee as in sluggish Tropical Storm Lee, which is meandering across southern Louisiana near the coast this morning. (more…)

September 2, 2011

Don’t sorrow "as others" do

Filed under Sabbath Thoughts

The apostle Paul spent about three weeks in Thessalonica before the Jews there incited a riot, causing him to leave the city (Acts 17:2-8). (more…)

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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