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News and views from the German-language region of Europe

May 6, 2009

My grandson Thomas Edison

Filed under Family

Actually my oldest grandson’s name is Sean, not Thomas Edison. But for part of one day he was Thomas.

For a school project my grandson Sean had to chose Thomas Edison a famous American and research his life and contribution to America. I suggested that Sean might want to prepare a report about me as a famous American, but he did not seem too impressed. :-)

So instead of portraying me, Sean chose Thomas Edison instead. Sean researched Thomas Edison’s life and prepared a series of notecards with the highlights of Edison’s life. When I called him from Germany the other day, he read all of his notecards to me. He also prepared a poster with all the highlights. Then came the big day at school. Sean and his classmates – who also had to choose a famous American – had their posters on the wall of the main hall at school and had to stand next to their display and answer questions about the famous American they had chosen to research. I was quite proud of my grandson Sean today for all his hard work in completing his Thomas Edison project!

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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