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News and views from the German-language region of Europe

April 17, 2011

A day away from the office

Filed under Life in Europe

Today’s hike near Ebnath, Germany led us to a restaurant located on the top of a 3000 foot high hill.

18 people are meeting in Ebnath for the spring festival. We are all staying Ebnath hike in the same hotel and having our meals together. After our group breakfast this morning several of us took an hour and a half walk in the forest and wound up on top of a hill near Kossain, about 8 km or so from where we are staying in Ebnath. As is often the case in Germany, at the top of the hill there is a rustic restaurant offering light meals and various beverages. Several of us chose a beverage that is widely consumed in Germany, a nice refreshing brew after our 90 minute climb up to the top of this 3000 foot hill in northern Bavaria. The walk downhill went a bit faster in the cool air.

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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