The Church Jesus Built, German version

What Happens After Death?, German version

Is The Bible True?, German version

Heaven or Hell?, German version

Bible Prophecy, German version

How to Understand the Bible, German version

Road to Eternal Life, German version

2018 Preaching the gospel in German-speaking Europe

January 3, 2018: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] in 2017 was 0.6 percent lower than in 2016. Regular mail income was 8.2 percent lower, and Holy Day offerings increased by 15.1 percent. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 21.5 percent of UCG-Germany's regular mail income in 2017.

January 10, 2018 During the year 2017 the "Gute Nachrichten" website had 475,517 visitors, 12 percent more than in 2016.

January 17, 2018: The Gute Nachrichten, January 2018 issue January-February issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 9798 readers in 25 countries, a 6.6 percent increase over the 2017 January-February issue. The magazine was mailed to 7932 subscribers in Germany, 857 subscribers in Switzerland and 798 subscribers in Austria.

January 27, 2018: For the year 2017 the Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"] distributed a total of 68,085 print publications in the German language, 7.2 percent more than in 2016. The booklets requested most often were "Nach dem Tode – was dann?" ["What happens after death?"], "Das Buch der Offenbarung verständlich erklärt" ["The Book of Revelation Unveiled"], and "Amerika und Großbritannien: Was sagt die Bibel über ihre Zukunft?" ["The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy"]. In addition, 3044 ebooks were downloaded from the Apple Store and Amazon. The booklet "Das Buch der Offenbarung verständlich erklärt" was downloaded 431 times.

February 6, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United German Beyond Today telecast Church of God- Germany"] produces its ninth German-language "Beyond Today" telecast, Wer ist der Antichrist? ["Who is the Antichrist?"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer recorded the telecast at the United Church of God Home Office in Cincinnati and UCG-Germany did the film editing.

February 13, 2018: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first month of 2018 was 48.7 percent lower than last year's strong income in January 2017. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 12.0 percent of UCG-Germany's income in January.

February 20, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] German video clip Der Schächer am Kreuz produces an excerpted video clip from its recent "Beyond Today" telecast, ["The thief on the cross"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer had recorded the original telecast at the United Church of God Home Office in Cincinnati.

February 27, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] adds 40 MP3 sermons to its sermon website for members and church attendees. 589 recorded sermons are currently available for listening and download.

March 6, 2018: In the first two months of 2018 UCG-Germany distributed 501 ebooks via Amazon, the Google Play Store and Smashwords, including 175 downloads via Amazon. The most requested booklet was "Das Buch der Offenbarung verständlich erklärt" ["The Book of Revelation Unveiled"] with 73 downloads.

March 13, 2018: The March-April issue Gute Nachrichten, March 2018 issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 9854 readers in 25 countries, a 5.9 percent increase over the 2017 March-April issue. The magazine was mailed to 7965 subscribers in Germany, 872 subscribers in Switzerland and 814 subscribers in Austria.

March 20, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] German video sermon Das perfekte Wort Gottes produces another video sermon, ["The perfect word of God"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete gave the sermon in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.

March 31, 2018: 106 people met at seven locations to keep the Passover on March 29. Today on the first day of Unleavened Bread, 142 people attended services in six locations: Dormagen (25), Hamburg (7), Mörfelden (27), Mühldorf (23), Oberstaufen (34) and Winterthur in Switzerland (26). The offering was 14,748 €, which was 12.0% less than last year's offering.

April 6, 2018: On the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, 123 people attended services in five locations: Berlin (11), Dormagen (36), Mörfelden (28), Munich (24) and Winterthur in Switzerland (24). The offering (9518 €) was 24.4% higher than in 2017.

April 13, 2018: United Christian Outreach Germany announces a special fundraiser to provide $1000 for Armenien UCG member Mnazakan Poghossjan to attend this year's Feast of Tabernacles in Schluchsee, Germany.

April 20, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United German Beyond Today telecast Church of God-Germany"] produces its tenth German-language "Beyond Today" telecast, Warum ist Europa wichtig? ["Why is Europe important?"]. The UCG "Beyond Today" film team recorded UCOG President Paul Kieffer on locations in Berlin, Wittenberg and Brussels and UCG-Germany did the film editing.

April 30, 2018: Regular donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first four months of 2018 was 13.4 percent lower than last year's income from January-April. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 17.0 percent of UCG-Germany's income in the first four months of 2018.

May 7, 2018: In the first four months of 2018 the MP3 sermons posted to the Gute Nachrichten website were downloaded 873 times. 3 sermons are available for public access and a new sermon is posted each week.

May 14, 2018: The May-June issue Gute Nachrichten, May-June 2018 issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 9891 readers in 25 countries, a 5.3 percent increase over the 2017 May-June issue. The magazine was mailed to 7974 subscribers in Germany, 884 subscribers in Switzerland and 823 subscribers in Austria.

May 22, 2018: 145 people met in seven locations in the German-language region on Pentecost weekend. 37 people met in Dormagen, and the other locations were Berlin (8), Hamburg (8), Mörfelden (26), Plauen (6), Rosenheim (29) and Winterthur in Switzerland (31). The offering in the German-language region was 13,776 €, a 26.3 percent increase in comparison to last year's offering. The offering for the 3 spring Holy Days (Unleavened Bread, Pentecost) was 7.7 percent higher than last year.

May 29, 2018: Tools for Christian growth, German version The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"] prints its 26th booklet, "Werkzeuge für christliches Wachstum" ["Tools for Christian growth"]. UCG-Germany designed its own cover for the booklet to match the booklet's theme.

June 6, 2018: In the first five months of 2018 UCG-Germany distributed 989 ebooks via Amazon, the Google Play Store and Smashwords, including 374 downloads via Amazon. The most requested booklet was "Das Buch der Offenbarung verständlich erklärt" ["The Book of Revelation Unveiled"] with 157 downloads.

June 13, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche German video sermon Das Evangelium von Adam bis heute Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] produces another video sermon, ["The gospel from Adam to today"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete gave the sermon in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.

June 22, 2018: The Book of Revelation Unveiled, Dutch version The Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] provides typesetting assistance and pre-print preparation for the Dutch-language version of the booklet "The Book of Revelation Unveiled", to be published by the United Church of God-Netherlands.

June 29, 2018: Regular donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first six months of 2018 was 7.9 percent lower than last year's income from January-June. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 17.5 percent of UCG-Germany's income in the first six months of 2018.

July 9, 2018: The July-August issue Gute Nachrichten, July-August 2018 issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 9822 readers in 25 countries, a 3.1 percent increase over the 2017 Juli-August issue. The magazine was mailed to 7947 subscribers in Germany, 890 subscribers in Switzerland and 833 subscribers in Austria.

July 16, 2018: The United Christian Outreach Germany special fundraiser to provide $1000 for Armenien UCG member Mnazakan Poghossjan to attend this year's Feast of Tabernacles in Schluchsee, Germany has reached 50 percent of the goal.

July 23, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]German video sermon Echter Glaube oder 'Schein-Glaube'? produces another video sermon, ["True faith or fake faith?"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete gave the sermon in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.

July 31, 2018: In the first seven months of 2018 the MP3 sermons posted to the Gute Nachrichten website were downloaded 1623 times. 3 sermons are available for public access and a new sermon is posted each week.

August 7, 2018: Sunset to Sunset, German version The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"] reprints the booklet "Der biblische Ruhetag – Samstag oder Sonntag?" ["Sunset to Sunset"], making it the 11th booklet to be reprinted. Since January 2001, the Vereinte Kirche Gottes has invested $385,000 in printing costs for preaching the true gospel in the German-language region.

August 11, 2018: 4 visitors attended today's "Open House" church service of the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] in Munich. The "Open House" was advertised via the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine.

August 18, 2018: 5 visitors attended today's "Open House" church service of the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] in Dormagen. The "Open House" was advertised via the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine.

August 31, 2018: Regular donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first eight months of 2018 was 1.3 percent lower than last year's income from January-August. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 18.7 percent of UCG-Germany's income in the first eight months of 2018.

September 4, 2018: Fundraising thermometer The United Christian Outreach Germany special fundraiser to provide $1000 for Armenien UCG member Mnazakan Poghossjan to attend this year's Feast of Tabernacles in Schluchsee, Germany is now fully funded. Mr. Poghassjan speaks fluent German and is the only member of the United Church of God in Armenia and has only limited income. Without additional financial assistance from the church, he would never be able to attend the Feast.

September 10, 2018: 142 people met at six locations in the German-language region for church services today on the Feast of Trumpets. 9 people met for services in Berlin. In Dormagen the attendance was 42. 35 people met in Mörfelden (near Frankfurt), and 19 were in attendance in Winterthur, Switzerland. In Rosenheim the attendance was 29. 8 people attended the afternoon service in Hamburg. The offering in the German-language region was 9638 €, a 27.3 percent decrease in comparison to last year's offering.

September 13, 2018: The Gute Nachrichten, September-October issue September-October issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 9778 readers in 25 countries, a 3.1 percent increase over the 2017 September-October issue. The magazine was mailed to 7868 subscribers in Germany, 890 subscribers in Switzerland and 833 subscribers in Austria.

September 19, 2018: 115 people met at five locations in the German-language region for church services today on the Day of Atonement. In Dormagen the attendance was 36. 30 people met in Mörfelden (near Frankfurt), 27 were in attendance Munich, and 9 people attended the service in Stuttgart. In Winterthur, Switzerland the attendance was 13. The offering in the German-language region was 6336 €, a 37.8 percent decrease in comparison to last year's offering.

September 23, 2018: German video sermon The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] provides German subtitles for the United Church of God welcome video for the 2018 Feast of Tabernacles.

October 1, 2018: Today's Last Great Day services conclude the eight day biblical Feast of Tabernacles season, with 224 people from 10 countries having met since September 24 in Schluchsee in the southern Black Forest.

October 9, 2018: The offering statistics for the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day in the German-language region have been finalized. The offering on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles was 11,017 €, 1.2 percent more than last year. The offering (13,933 €) on the Last Great Day was 16.8 percent higher than 2017. The total offering on the seven annual Holy Days in 2018 was 3.2 percent lower than last year.

October 22, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes German video sermon Das Spiel des Lebens ["United Church of God-Germany"] produces another video sermon, ["The game of life"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer gave the sermon during the Feast of Tabernacles in Schluchsee, Germany.

October 31, 2018: Regular donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first ten months of 2018 was 2.7 percent higher than last year's income from January-October. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 22.2 percent of UCG-Germany's income in the first ten months of 2018.

November 7, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United German Beyond Today telecast Church of God-Germany"] produces its tenth German-language "Beyond Today" telecast, Kirche und Staat: Eine tödliche Mischung ["Church and State: A deadly mixture"]. The UCG "Beyond Today" film team recorded UCOG President Paul Kieffer on locations in Aachen und Brussels and UCG-Germany did the film editing.

November 14, 2018: Gute Nachrichten, November-December issue The November-December issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 9766 readers in 25 countries, a 0.5 percent increase over the 2017 November-December issue. The magazine was mailed to 7845 subscribers in Germany, 895 subscribers in Switzerland and 833 subscribers in Austria.

November 21, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] publishes the booklet "Jesus Christus: Die wahre Geschichte" ["Jesus Christ: The true story"] for the first time as an eBook.

November 28, 2018: The Vereinte German video sermon Kirche Gottes produces another video sermon, AOK. ["United Church of God-Germany"] UCOG President Paul Kieffer gave the sermon during on the Last Great Day festival in Schluchsee, Germany.

December 6, 2018: In the first eleven months of 2018 UCG-Germany distributed 4211 ebooks via Amazon, the Google Play Store and Smashwords. The most requested booklet was "Das Buch der Offenbarung verständlich erklärt" ["The Book of Revelation Unveiled"] with 671 downloads.

December 13, 2018: The UCG-Germany National Council approved budget for 2019 includes total expenses of 255,000 €. Income is projected to be 215,000 €, with the deficit being paid from cash reserves. The budget provides funds to increase circulation of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine at 11,000 subscribers and to print one new booklet and reprint three current booklets.

December 20, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] German video commentary Das Passah erklärt produces its first short video commentary, ["The Passover explained"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.

December 28, 2018: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] now has 41 videos available on its YouTube channel. The videos have been viewed 209,000 times, including 69,000 views for the "Beyond Today" program titled "7 Prophecies prior to Christ's return". At the end of the year, 1580 people were following the "Gute Nachrichten" YouTube channel, a 90% increase in one year.


God's Sabbath Rest, German version

Making Life Work, German version

What is Your Destiny?, German version

Gospel of the Kingdom, German version

The Ten Commandments, German version


God’s Feast Days, German version

Living Faith, German version