January 4, 2021: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] in 2020 was 6.9 percent higher than in 2019. Regular mail income was 9.8 percent higher, and Holy Day offerings increased by 1.0 percent. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 21.6 percent of UCG-Germany's regular mail income in 2020.
January 8, 2021 During the year 2020 the "Gute Nachrichten" website had 636,640 visitors, 9.7 percent more than in 2020.
January 15, 2021:
The January-February issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 10,052 readers in 25 countries, a 1.8 percent increase over the 2020 January-February issue. The magazine was mailed to 8011 subscribers in Germany, 958 subscribers in Switzerland and 897 subscribers in Austria.
January 22, 2021: For the year 2020 the Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"] distributed a total of 73,660 print publications in the German language, 8.3 percent more than in 2020. In addition, 2557 ebooks were downloaded via Amazon, the Google Play Store and Smashwords.
January 29, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Ist der Tod endgültig? ["Is death final?"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
February 4, 2021: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first month of 2021 was 12.3 percent higher than last year's income in January 2020. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 24.4 percent of UCG-Germany's income in January.
February 11, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Wird Ostern am falschen Tag gefeiert? ["Is Easter celebrated on the wrong day?"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer recorded the commentary at the Vereinte Kirche Gottes office near Bonn, Germany.
February 18, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] adds 40 MP3 sermons to its sermon website for members and church attendees. 726 recorded sermons are currently available for listening and download.
February 26, 2021: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first two months of 2021 was 2.4 percent higher than last year's income in the same period. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 18.2 percent of UCG-Germany's regular donation income.
March 5, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Das Geheimnis unseres Gehirns ["The mystery of our brain"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
March 12, 2021:
The March-April issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 10,024 readers in 25 countries, a 1.1 percent increase over the 2020 March-April issue. The magazine was mailed to 7952 subscribers in Germany, 952 subscribers in Switzerland and 897 subscribers in Austria.
March 19, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Würde Jesus Christus Ostern feiern? ["Would Jesus Christ celebrate Easter?"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
March 28, 2021: 78 people met at four locations to keep the Passover on March 26. Today on the first day of Unleavened Bread, 94 people attended services in four locations: Darmstadt (22), Dormagen (38), Oberndorf, Austria (16) and Winterthur in Switzerland (18). Because of Covid-19 restrictions, services could not be conducted in Bavaria or Berlin. The offering was 10,172 €, which was 4.0% less than last year's offering.
April 3, 2021: On the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, 92 people attended services in five locations: Darmstadt (18), Dormagen (37), Hamburg (10), Oberndorf, Austria (10) and Winterthur in Switzerland (17). Because of Covid-19 restrictions, services could not be conducted in Bavaria. The offering (11,640 €) was 10.0% higher than in 2020.
April 9, 2021: In the first 3 months of the year, UCG-Germany distributed 432 ebooks via Amazon, the Google Play Store and Smashwords. The most requested booklet was "Das Buch der Offenbarung verständlich erklärt" ["The Book of Revelation Unveiled"] with 53 downloads.
April 19, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Wir sind die Nachfolger von KLAR & WAHR ["We are the successor to KLAR & WAHR"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer recorded the commentary at the Vereinte Kirche Gottes office near Bonn, Germany.
April 26, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"] reprints its booklet, "Nach dem Tode – was dann?" ["What Happens After Death?"]. UCG-Germany updated the content to match the color content of the English version. UCG-Germany currently has 26 booklets available in print version.
May 3, 2021: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first four months of 2021 was 14.4 percent higher than last year's income in the same period. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 17.5 percent of UCG-Germany's regular donation income.
May 10, 2021: The May-June issue of the
"Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 10,036 readers in 25 countries, a 1.0 percent increase over the 2020 May-June issue. The magazine was mailed to 8012 subscribers in Germany, 949 subscribers in Switzerland and 890 subscribers in Austria.
May 16, 2021: 104 people met in five locations in the German-language region for Pentecost. Our service locations were Darmstadt (28), Dormagen (22), Hamburg (11), Oberndorf, Austria (17) and Winterthur, Switzerland (26). The offering in the German-language region was 13,054 €, a 17.7 percent increase in comparison to last year's offering. The offering for the 3 spring Holy Days (Unleavened Bread, Pentecost) was 8.1 percent higher than last year.
May 25, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Hat Jesus Christus wirklich existiert? ["Did Jesus Christus really exist?"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer recorded the commentary at the Vereinte Kirche Gottes office near Bonn, Germany.
June 2, 2021: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first five months of 2021 was 14.2 percent higher than last year's income in the same period. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 16.2 percent of UCG-Germany's regular donation income.
June 10, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Sinn und Zweck des Lebens ["The meaning and purpose of life"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
June 18, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] begins a direct mail campaign to offer 900 subscribers of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine in Switzerland the bi-monthly publication "Intern", which contains more in-depth biblical material. Readers will receive a sample copy of "Intern" and a return order card to subscribe to "Intern".
June 28, 2021:
The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"] reprints its booklet, "Ist Gott eine Dreieinigkeit?" ["Is God a Trinity"]. UCG-Germany updated the content to include additional material and to match the color content of the English version. UCG-Germany currently has 26 booklets available in print version.
July 5, 2021: In the first 6 months of the year, UCG-Germany distributed 1032 ebooks via Amazon, the Google Play Store and Smashwords. The most requested booklet was "Das Buch der Offenbarung verständlich erklärt" ["The Book of Revelation Unveiled"] with 397 downloads.
July 13, 2021: The July-August issue of the
"Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 10,053 readers in 25 countries, an increase of 53 subscribers over the 2020 July-August issue. The magazine was mailed to 8025 subscribers in Germany, 952 subscribers in Switzerland and 895 subscribers in Austria.
July 20, 2021: The new Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] National Council conducted its first regular meeting to elect the chairman and vice-chairman for the Council's four year term, which ends on June 30, 2025. UCOG President Paul Kieffer was selected as chairman and UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete was selected as vice-chairman.
July 28, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another German-language "Beyond Today" telecast, Das Gräuelbild der Verwüstung ["The abomination of desolation"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer recorded the telecast at the United Church of God Home Office in Cincinnati and UCG-Germany did the film editing.
August 5, 2021: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first seven months of 2021 was 6.7 percent higher than last year's income in the same period. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 15.7 percent of UCG-Germany's regular donation income.
August 12, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Die Evolutionstheorie: Der moderne Glaube ["The Theory of Evolution: The Modern Faith"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
August 19, 2021: Because of Covid-19 restrictions possibly limiting attendance at this year's Feast of Tabernacles in Titisee, Germany the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] National Council will implement a daily mandatory antigen test for Feastgoers who have not been fully vaccinated. Arrangements have been made with an official test center to have everyone tested each day prior to services.
August 26, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Hiroshima und Jesu Prophezeiung auf dem Ölberg ["Hiroshima and Jesus' Olivet Prophecy"]. UCOG President Paul Kieffer recorded the commentary at the Vereinte Kirche Gottes office near Bonn, Germany.
September 7, 2021: 100 people met at five locations in the German-language region for church services today on the Feast of Trumpets. In Dormagen the attendance was 20. 27 people met in Mörfelden (near Frankfurt), and 20 were in attendance in Winterthur, Switzerland. In Rosenheim the attendance was 24. 9 people attended the afternoon service in Hamburg. The offering in the German-language region was 14,371 €, a 13.5 percent increase in comparison to last year's offering.
September 13, 2021:
The September-October issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 10,043 readers in 25 countries, an increase of 38 subscribers over the 2020 September-October issue. The magazine was mailed to 8021 subscribers in Germany, 936 subscribers in Switzerland and 894 subscribers in Austria.
September 16, 2021: 73 people met at four locations in the German-language region for church services today on the Day of Atonement. In Dormagen the attendance was 17. 16 people met in Mörfelden (near Frankfurt), 25 were in attendance Munich, and 15 people attended the service in Stuttgart. No hall was available for services in Winterthur, Switzerland. The offering in the German-language region was 8282 €, 2.4 percent lower in comparison to last year's offering.
September 28, 2021: Today's Last Great Day services conclude the eight day biblical Feast of Tabernacles season, with 133 people from 7 countries having met since September 20 in Titisee in the southern Black Forest. Seating by households with social distancing and face coverings required while moving within the hall were required for use of the meeting hall. No international guests were able to attend because of space limitations.
October 5, 2021: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first nine months of 2021 was 4.6 percent higher than last year's income in the same period. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 15.9 percent of UCG-Germany's regular donation income.
October 12, 2021: The September-October issue "Intern" [German version of "United News"] published by the Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"] is mailed to 825 subscribers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. With ongoing promotional efforts, circulation has increased by 9 percent in one year.
October 19, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"]
prints a new booklet, "Leben wir in der Endzeit?"
["Are We Living in the End Time?"]. PDF and Ebook (epub and mobi) versions of the new booklet are also available online. The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["UCG-Germany"] now has 27 booklets avialable.
October 26, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Die Menschheit als verlorener Sohn ["Humanity as the Prodigal Son"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
November 5, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] selects a web design company in Berlin for a complete redesign of the "Gute Nachrichten" website. Ten companies submitted bids for the job and the nod went to the Berlin company because it can transfer all 1200 articles via a script, rather than by "copy and paste".
November 12, 2021:
The November-December issue of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine is mailed to 9979 readers in 25 countries, 64 subscribers less than with the 2020 November-December issue. The magazine was mailed to 7964 subscribers in Germany, 928 subscribers in Switzerland and 887 subscribers in Austria.
November 19, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Die Kirche, die nicht untergeht ["The church that does not perish"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
November 26, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Hat der 3. Weltkrieg schon begonnen? ["Has the 3rd World War already begun?"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
December 6, 2021: Donation income for the Vereinte Kirche Gottes [UCG-Germany] for the first eleven months of 2021 was 5.6 percent higher than last year's income in the same period. Coworkers and donors (defined as individuals who provide financial support but do not attend UCG-Germany worship services) contributed 15.9 percent of UCG-Germany's regular donation income.
December 13, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"]
produces another short video commentary, Einsamkeit: Was tun dagegen? ["Loneliness: What to do about it?"]. UCG-Germany elder Martin Fekete recorded the commentary at his home in Oberndorf near Salzburg, Austria.
December 20, 2021: The UCG-Germany National Council approved budget for 2022 includes total expenses of 324,000 €. Income is projected to be 254,000 €, with the deficit being paid from cash reserves. The budget provides funds to maintain circulation of the "Gute Nachrichten" magazine at 10,000 subscribers and to print three new booklets and reprint two current booklets.
December 28, 2021: The Vereinte Kirche Gottes ["United Church of God-Germany"] ends the year 2021 with 103 videos on its YouTube channel. The "Gute Nachrichten video" channel has 2060 followers, 3.2 percent more than a year ago, with a total of 335,000 views.