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News and views from the German-language region of Europe

April 20, 2008

Future class clown?

Filed under Family

At the age of 13 months, granddaughter Maia already seems to know what a camera is.

Maia just had her first birthday last month. Granddaughter Maia Her mom (our daughter Rachel) likes to take pictures and has a nifty digital camera. Some of the photos she sends us are taken when the children are doing something and not fully aware that their picture is being taken. Others – like this one of Maia taken a couple of days ago in her stroller while she was out with Rachel on a shopping trip – are not "staged", but the children know that they are being photographed. It seems that Maia likes to grin and make faces at the camera. She has probably learned that when her mom does that, she will get to see her later on her mom’s computer screen. What she doesn’t understand yet is that her Mom also sends those photos to relatives and friends, so a lot of people get to see Maia’s antics. At any rate, Rachel’s frequent pictorial updates give me an opportunity to see how my granddaughter’s teeth are coming in – and wonder whether Rachel has stopped breastfeeding Maia. :-)

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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