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News and views from the German-language region of Europe

November 30, 2009

Lego challenged but mission accomplished

Filed under Family

My five year old grandson Adrian asked if Opa could bring a Lego castle for brother Sean.

Opa wanted to help, so he was very willing to lego castle purchase the Lego castle in Germany for grandson Sean, especially when I learned that this particular toy was not available in the United States. Since I was coming to Alabama for Thanksgiving anyway, I figured it would not be all that much hassle to bring the Lego castle with me. I was a little surprised when I went online to order it and found out that it cost over 50 € — when our children were small I remember those toys costing only one tenth as much. But, hey, it was for my grandson, right? So I ordered it. I was somewhat aghast when the box arrived, because its rectangular dimensions were larger than any suitcase I have in Germany! So I took all the various bags out of the box, pricked each one of them with a pin so I could force the air out of them and then compress them so they would all fit into my small suitcase. Then I took the front side of the box and folded it in half so Sean would be able to see the picture of the castle as it should look when completed. Wow, there were a lot of individual pieces for the castle, too! Sean and and I worked on the castle off and on for three days, and then Adrian helped Sean complete the final section. Mission accomplished and a happy Thanksgiving!

Paul Kieffer's blog with personal insights and news from the German-language region in Europe.


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